A Curated Cloud

April 17, 2020

WHAT are you doing with the thousands of personal photos on your phone and computer? Are you planning on “doing something” with them someday? Well, let’s do it!

Hi! I’m Dana, a newborn and family photographer in the DC metro area. The beginning of this COVID-19 crisis was quite a shock and immediate halt to my amazing photography business, Dana Graham Photography

While I was (and still am) devastated to have to postpone sessions and miss out on all the newborn snuggles, I tried to see this down time as an opportunity. I hadn’t gotten around to going through our family photos from 2019 – from my phone, or from my “big camera”. Each year, I cull through the photos I have, get rid of the ones I don’t need, and organize my system. I edit my favorites and design a beautiful album to have printed. My kids can flip through the pages when we have some down time and I can tell them stories about “when they were babies” (spoiler alert – they’re still babies!). It’s such a fun thing to do together and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

I realized several years ago that going through ALL the photos you take in a year is a huge undertaking if you’re not keeping up with it, or used to doing it. I realized that I’m a photographer – I am pretty quick at going through our photos and instantly seeing “the best of the best”. I know how to edit the keepers to make them look cohesive and tell a story. I know how to design an album that keeps your attention and highlights all the different aspects of your year.

I know that this is a passion of mine and, partnered with my professional skills, something I can share with others!

I’m sharing the basics of my process on instagram – I’d love for you to follow along and hold yourself accountable for doing it yourself! We’re still just going through photos (as of mid-April 2020), so there’s plenty of time to jump in and follow along.

If you don’t have the time, I’m still here to help. I’d love to do this for you! Personalized curating is something I am now offering! From going through your phone and “big camera” photos for you, to editing the best of the best, to getting them printed and in your homes. More details to come, but shoot me an email if you’re interested in being one of the first!

Thanks so much for being here – I can’t wait to get started!


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