a space for resources and encouragement

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My guest today is on a mission to help mothers get back to feeling like themselves again through confidence and mindful eating. Karen Brein is a nutrition and wellness coach that used her own experience after kids to help other mamas feeling the same. We start talking about her life pre kids and company and […]

Ep. 55 Using Your Weight Loss Journey to Become a Nutrition Coach, with Karen Bein

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

March 8, 2022

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Today’s guest has brought a game changing product to the lives of all parents that are grocery shopping with their infants. Lindsey Fleischhauer is the creator of Totes Babies, which fits onto a grocery cart to help keep your infant carrier out of the bottom (hello, GENIUS idea)! Lindsey starts by telling me how she […]

Ep. 54 Making an Infant Carrier Fit in a Grocery Cart, with Lindsey Fleischhauer

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

March 1, 2022

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WOW, today’s episode I got DEEP with our guest, Whitney Lundeen, on her journey to build her clothing brand Sonnet James. Whitney not only talks about the founder tips and hurdles, but gets really honest and open about her personal struggles, which I think will be really helpful for so many people. Whitney tells me […]

Ep. 53 How a Single Mom Built a Clothing Line for Mothers, with Whitney Lundeen

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

February 22, 2022

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I am so excited to bring another guest on the show today who had a skill/passion for something and after years of switching careers has found a way to turn that into her fulltime career. Today I am joined by Stacy Aguilar, a graphic designer who helps entrepreneurs with their branding and web design. We […]

Ep. 52 How to Become a Graphic Designer and Work for Yourself, with Stacy Aguilar

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

February 15, 2022

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There are so many photographers out there that tell you you need to niche down to one or two types of photography and be REALLY good at them to be successful. I’m not going to argue with that at all, I’m going to encourage it actually, but what no one talks about is HOW to […]

My Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Your Photography Niche

Photography Tips

February 10, 2022

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I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to be more productive in one aspect of their life — even my guest, who is a productivity coach! Meaghan Langston, the Meaning Mentor, joins us to kick off season two of the podcast! Meaghan has a similar background as previous guests in that she had a standard […]

Ep. 51 How and Why to Become a Productivity Coach, with Meaghan Langston

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

February 8, 2022

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Toddlers tend to get a bad rap when it comes to behavior… Don’t get me wrong, they can absolutely be a handful! But I am here to tell you that as a photographer, there are ways to get around their sometimes strong willed opinions when it comes to having their photos taken!There are LOTS of […]

4 Tips For Working With Toddlers In Family Photography Sessions

Photography Tips

February 3, 2022

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I am so excited to finish out this amazing first season with a guest who could essentially be the poster child for this podcast! Sarah Peck is the founder of Start Up Parent, which focuses on helping women feel less alone and gives them the tools they need to plan for families during busy careers. […]

Ep. 50 Helping Parents Shift the Way Work is Done and Elevate Their Leadership Capacity, with Sarah Peck

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

December 21, 2021

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When everything went virtual in 2020, all sorts of service providers found a way to make it work with a ton of different digital video platforms. But my guest today, Rebecca Featherstone, wasn’t satisfied with ‘just ok’ when it came to her music lessons. Instead of dealing with it (like so many of us continue […]

Ep. 49 – Building an App for Music Teachers to Virtual Engage with Their Students, with Rebecca Featherstone

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

rebecca featherstone

December 14, 2021

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How often have you pictured an exciting moment in your life and then it comes and is not at all how you expected?! Well, lucky for you, my guest today is here to help with one of those moments — introducing a dog to your baby! Dominika Knosalla is a dog trainer and founder of […]

Ep. 48 Teaching Dog Owners to Safely Bring a New Baby Home, with Dominika Knossalla-Pado

Amidst The Chaos Podcast

December 7, 2021

Download my free toddler tricks guide and get 6 guaranteed ways to get tricky toddlers smiling!

HEY MAMA! Want to get photos of your tricky toddler smiling?