a space for resources and encouragement
When I started this podcast, the goal was to bring mothers in different indutries to this community so that YOU can see the variety of ways you can either start a side hustle or jump right in to a new career with skills you may already have. Today’s guest is not only an amazing listen, […]
March 15, 2022
When everything went virtual in 2020, all sorts of service providers found a way to make it work with a ton of different digital video platforms. But my guest today, Rebecca Featherstone, wasn’t satisfied with ‘just ok’ when it came to her music lessons. Instead of dealing with it (like so many of us continue […]
December 14, 2021
Welcome to The Weekend What To Do!! Each weekend I’m going to walk through a real life situation of mine where I snapped a few photos – and one of the decisions I made to make the pictures the best they could be! Just snapping a photo is GREAT to capture the memory, but there […]
December 5, 2021
Be honest – how many of you have found yourself scrolling social media during the different pockets of your day? In between Netflix episodes, on your walk upstairs, waiting for your kids to get out of school — anyone? Well, I definitely have, especially these past two years! I have found myself relying on social […]
November 11, 2021
The number of women I get to speak with who are tackling different businesses and brands continues to amaze me! Today’s guest, Shannon McLay, is the founder of The Financial Gym, which provides you with a personal financial trainer to put you in control of your finances, one step at a time. Shannon starts by […]
June 15, 2021
YOU GUYS (!!!), I am so giddy about today’s guest!! Beth, from Days with Grey, joins me to chat all the things behind her amazing brand. As a mom with two toddlers that need a lot of stimulation and little time to plan a full curriculum for them, I am so appreciative that Beth created […]
June 8, 2021
Have you ever had a time where you took a break from drinking? Maybe dry January, during pregnancy or just a health stint? Well, if you have (or even if you haven’t), you may have noticed that there are not many options out there. Have you noticed that there seems to be a different type […]
May 18, 2021
Do you ever meet someone and instantly click with them on so many levels? Well that happened with my guest this week, Jill Cromwell. When I first came across Jill, I was very impressed by her professional path, then as we talked and got to know one another, I was able to confirm we were […]
May 11, 2021
I continue to be impressed with the women who have taken time to come on this show, open up and give an in-depth look to some of the craziest times in their lives. Every guest has given me something new to take into my motherhood and career worlds and it’s something I can’t thank them […]
April 6, 2021
Are you trying to figure out how to spend more time with your babies, but can’t afford to quit your 9-5? Or maybe you’re already hustling your side gig and need some tips on how to manage your work amidst the chaos of your daily life. Either way, join me as we navigate through motherhood and entrepreneurship… and how so many moms just like you and me have made it happen!
February 8, 2021
Download my free toddler tricks guide and get 6 guaranteed ways to get tricky toddlers smiling!